- Colossal 1.0.5 - 2023/05/08
- #Fix: Installing required and recommended plugins
- Colossal 1.0.4 - 2022/09/18
includes Visual Composer 6.10; Revolution Slider 6.5.6
- #Update: Compatibile with WordPress 6.0, support PHP 8.0
- Colossal 1.0.3 - 2021/08/18
includes Visual Composer 6.7; Revolution Slider 6.5.6
- #Update: Compatibile with WordPress 5.5, update outdated jQuery events
- Colossal 1.0.2 - 2018/12/27
includes Visual Composer 5.6; Revolution Slider 5.4.8
- #Update: Compatibile with WordPress 5.0
- #Update: Including Option Tree on theme package
- Colossal 1.0.1 - 2017/08/17
includes Cactus-Member 1.0.1; Cactus-Portfolio 1.0.1; Cactus-Office-Location 1.0.1; Colossal-Shortcodes 1.0.1; Revolution Slider
- #Update: fix some minor bugs and improve coding
- #Update: option to enable LightBox for Portfolio Shortcode
- #Update: option to configure WooCommerce Shop page header
- Colossal 1.0.0 - First Release - 2017/08/09