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They also feel less stress, are more fun to be around, are more optimistic, and enjoy their lives more than people who are unhappy.

People don't care about the expensive clothes you wear, how big is the house you own or the car your drive.
could see first before we start our marketing and you don’t want to miss out on your perfect home!

Est atomorum explicari et, meis voluptatibus te pri. Et essent malorum probatus sed. Putent quodsi vim ea, ignota putant mentitum eu pri. Pro viris qualisque explicari an, ea solet mnesarchum sadipscing eos. No soluta oblique vel, iudico assueverit cum in. Populo erroribus ex sit, no mei sale invenire appellantur. Idque audire diceret cu duo, dicit...

While people have debated whether parents are happier than non-parents, researchers suggest that the question of whether parents are more or less happy is not the most meaningful question.

Parents who are older and who have older children tend to be happier given that they are relatively more mature and financially stable.